Chitosan, amazing Fiber from the Sea Checklist for Successful Results from notes by Dr. Ron Schuler, BS, DDS, CCN Sedalia, Missouri Take Chitosan with meal when stomach has the most acidic content to enhance positive charge of chitosan. If "fishy" taste is experienced, take immediately before meal to ensure proper mixing with food. Be consistent.... 2 teaspoonfull of chitosan podwer, 2 times a day
at your two heaviest meals. Take chitosan with 8 oz. of water to expedite efficiency so stomach acid & fiber mix well. Add fresh lemon juice to your 8 oz. of water if you are older. The acidic condition in the stomach diminishes with age. It's the acid that activates the positive charge of chitosan. Check your caloric intake. Consume fewer calories than you burn. Avoid simple carbohydrates (sugars increase your insulin levels, promoting fat storage) in order to burn more fat than you produce. You need 30 grams of fiber per day for optimal health results. Most people only get 12-15 gms per day. ( Eight capsules of chitosan per day provide 2 grams of fiber.) Lack of exercise can diminish results. If you have been inactive, it can take 3-4 months to develop the enzymes that burn fat (per Covert Bailey). If you experience a lot of intestinal gas, you may not have enough of the good bacteria(lactobacilli). Eat more fresh fruits & vegetables. These contain phytonutrients, fiber, & soil-based organisms which help the digestive system to function better. For some, constipation may initially occur because of impaction in the intestine with previous matter. This too shall pass. Chitosan users frequently experience decreased tansit time, a major health benefit. Your Attitude creates a placebo effect, positive or negative. It's up to you.
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