Chitosan Research References

- Michihiro, S. et al, "Hypocholestererolemic action of
Chitosans with different viscosity in rats,"
Laboratory Nutrition, Saga University 1988
- Nauss J L, et al, "The Binding of Micellar lipids to
Chitosan," Lipids 18 (10). 1983. 714-719 Chitosan
absorbs 4-6 times its own weight in fat
- Kanauchi, K. et al. "Mechanism for the inhibition of
fat digestion by Chitosan," Bosci Biotechnol
Biochem, 1995 May: 59 (5): 786-90
- Deuchi, O. et al. "Decreasing effect of Chitosan on
the apparent fat digestibility by rats fed on high fat
diet," Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry,
- Chobot, V. "Physiotherapeutic aspects of diseases of
the circulatory system," Ceska a Slovenska
Farmacie, Aug 44: 190-5, 1995
- Chandy, T. Sharma, C.P. "Chitosan - as a
biomaterial biosurface technology division," Sree
Chita Triunal Institute for Medical Sciences and
Technology, Poojandrum, India. 1990
- Vahouny G.V. et al. American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, Aug 1983, 38 (2) p 278-84, ISSN 2-9165,
Journal Code: 3EY
- LeHoux, J.G. et al. "Some effects of Chitosan on
liver function of rats," Endocrinology, 1993, March
- Zochina, Z.M. et al. "Inhibition of Chitosan of
infection of t-series bacteriophages in the
escherichia coli," Mikrobiologia, 1995 March/April:
64 (2) 211-5
- Sugana, M Fujikawa, T. "Hiratsuji, Y. Nakashima, K.
Fukunda, N. and Hasegawa, Y. "A novel use of
Chitosan as a hypocholesterolemic agent in rats,"
American Journal of Cain. Nutrition, April 1980:
pages 787-793
- Birketvedt G.S. Clinical Report, Dovre Medical
Center, Fjellhammer, Norway, May 1991

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