Information about Dalwoo-chitoSan and Industry

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Dalwoo-ChitoSan is a Korea based corporation involved with the extraction, processing and sale of the highly purified chitin, chitosan, and chitosan Oligomer in various grades since 1988.  The accumulated know-how for a decade will enable Dalwoo-chitoSan open up a new future for 100s of applications that have been waiting for a consistent grade of high quality material at an affordable price

The key to DalSan's superior product is an improved  factoryprocessing technology that yields a purer, more consistent and higher quality product, all made from crab shell.   In addition to having a superior extraction process, Dalwoo chitosan also has a big production capacity to provide customers with a stable, long-term supply of chitin and chitosan, and chitosan oligo and to meet the anticipated ever-growing demand for chitosan products well into the 21st Cetury.

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A-08 Coex
WTC Seoul 135-731

Phone 82 2 551 0938 

Fax 82 2 551 0940 



Last updated December 17, 2001

Maintained by Dalwoo Corporation