Chitosan Research References

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  1. Michihiro, S. et al, "Hypocholestererolemic action of Chitosans with different viscosity in rats," Laboratory Nutrition, Saga University 1988 
  2. Nauss J L, et al, "The Binding of Micellar lipids to Chitosan," Lipids 18 (10). 1983. 714-719 Chitosan absorbs 4-6 times its own weight in fat 
  3. Kanauchi, K. et al. "Mechanism for the inhibition of fat digestion by Chitosan," Bosci Biotechnol Biochem, 1995 May: 59 (5): 786-90 
  4. Deuchi, O. et al. "Decreasing effect of Chitosan on the apparent fat digestibility by rats fed on high fat diet," Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 1994 
  5. Chobot, V. "Physiotherapeutic aspects of diseases of the circulatory system," Ceska a Slovenska Farmacie, Aug 44: 190-5, 1995 
  6. Chandy, T. Sharma, C.P. "Chitosan - as a biomaterial biosurface technology division," Sree Chita Triunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Poojandrum, India. 1990 
  7. Vahouny G.V. et al. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Aug 1983, 38 (2) p 278-84, ISSN 2-9165, Journal Code: 3EY 
  8. LeHoux, J.G. et al. "Some effects of Chitosan on liver function of rats," Endocrinology, 1993, March l078-84 
  9. Zochina, Z.M. et al. "Inhibition of Chitosan of infection of t-series bacteriophages in the escherichia coli," Mikrobiologia, 1995 March/April: 64 (2) 211-5 
  10. Sugana, M Fujikawa, T. "Hiratsuji, Y. Nakashima, K. Fukunda, N. and Hasegawa, Y. "A novel use of Chitosan as a hypocholesterolemic agent in rats," American Journal of Cain. Nutrition, April 1980: pages 787-793 
  11. Birketvedt G.S. Clinical Report, Dovre Medical Center, Fjellhammer, Norway, May 1991 

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